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Navigating Changes: How to Update Your Child’s NDIS Plan Effectively

23 July 2024

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be a complex journey, especially when your child’s circumstances change. Whether it’s a new diagnosis, a change in living arrangements, or a shift in support needs, it’s crucial to understand how to manage these changes within the framework of your child’s NDIS plan. This guide will walk you through the steps to take if your child’s situation changes, ensuring that their plan continues to meet their needs effectively.

Understanding the NDIS

The NDIS is designed to provide support to Australians with a disability, their families, and carers. It aims to help individuals achieve their goals, whether that’s greater independence, community involvement, education, employment, or improved wellbeing. Each NDIS participant has a personalized plan that outlines their goals and the supports they will receive.

When to Notify the NDIA

If your child’s situation changes, it’s essential to inform the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) as soon as possible. Changes that should be reported include:

  • A new diagnosis or change in your child’s condition
  • Changes in living arrangements (e.g., moving to a new home)
  • Changes in your child’s support needs
  • Significant changes in your child’s personal circumstances (e.g., starting school, changes in family structure)

Timely notification ensures that your child’s plan remains relevant and continues to provide the necessary support.

How to Notify the NDIA

You can notify the NDIA of changes in your child’s situation through several channels:

  1. Phone: Call the NDIS on 1800 800 110.
  2. Email: Send an email to [email protected].
  3. In Person: Visit a local NDIS office.
  4. MyPlace Portal: Use the MyPlace participant portal to update information.

When notifying the NDIA, provide as much detail as possible about the change and how it affects your child’s support needs.

What Happens Next?

Once you’ve informed the NDIA of the changes, there are a few possible outcomes:

1. Plan Update

The NDIA might update your child’s plan to reflect the new circumstances. This could involve adjusting the funding or supports to better align with your child’s current needs. You will receive a new plan document outlining these changes.

2. Plan Review

In some cases, the NDIA might determine that a more comprehensive discussion is needed to understand the impact of the changes on your child’s support needs. This is known as a plan review. During a plan review, you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s goals, current supports, and any new requirements. The outcome of the review could be a new or revised plan.

3. Continuation of Current Plan

In either scenario, you can continue using your child’s existing plan until any updates or changes are finalized. This ensures that there is no disruption to the supports your child receives.

Preparing for a Plan Review

If a plan review is required, it’s helpful to be well-prepared. Here are some steps to take:

Gather Documentation

Collect any relevant documents that support the changes in your child’s situation. This might include medical reports, school reports, or assessments from therapists. Having this information on hand will help provide a clear picture of your child’s needs.

Reflect on Goals

Consider your child’s current goals and whether they need to be adjusted. Think about any new goals that have emerged due to the change in circumstances. Being clear about your child’s goals will help guide the discussion during the plan review.

List Current Supports

Make a list of the supports your child is currently receiving and evaluate their effectiveness. Are there any gaps in support? Are there new types of support that might be beneficial? This information will be valuable during the review process.

Prepare Questions

Write down any questions you have about the NDIS process, your child’s plan, or potential changes. This ensures that you cover all your concerns during the review meeting.

During the Plan Review

A plan review meeting is an opportunity to discuss your child’s needs in detail. Here are some tips for making the most of this meeting:

Be Clear and Concise

Clearly explain the changes in your child’s situation and how they impact their support needs. Use the documentation you’ve gathered to provide evidence and context.

Focus on Goals

Discuss your child’s goals and how the NDIS can support achieving them. Be specific about what supports are needed and why.

Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask questions if something is unclear. Understanding the process and the reasoning behind decisions is important.

Advocate for Your Child

You know your child best. Advocate for the supports that you believe will best meet their needs. If you disagree with any decisions, express your concerns and ask for clarification.

After the Plan Review

Following the plan review, you will receive a new or updated plan if changes are made. Review this document carefully to ensure it accurately reflects your child’s needs and the supports discussed during the review. If you have any concerns or notice any discrepancies, contact the NDIA promptly.

Continuing to Use the Plan

Regardless of whether your child’s plan is updated or reviewed, you can continue using the existing plan until any changes are implemented. This ensures that there is no interruption in the supports your child receives. It’s important to keep track of any changes and understand how they affect the use of the plan.

Tips for Managing Changes

Managing changes in your child’s situation can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you navigate this process smoothly:

Stay Informed

Keep up to date with NDIS policies and procedures. Understanding how the system works will help you advocate effectively for your child.

Communicate Regularly

Maintain open communication with the NDIA, your child’s support providers, and other relevant parties. Regular updates and discussions can help ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to seek support from advocacy groups, support coordinators, or other parents who have experience with the NDIS. They can provide valuable insights and assistance.

Be Proactive

If you anticipate changes in your child’s situation, start preparing early. Gather documentation, reflect on goals, and consider potential support needs. Being proactive can help ensure a smoother transition.


Changes in your child’s situation can be a significant source of stress, but understanding how to navigate the NDIS process can make it more manageable. By promptly notifying the NDIA, preparing for plan reviews, and advocating for your child’s needs, you can ensure that their NDIS plan continues to provide the necessary support. Remember, you are not alone in this journey – there are resources and support networks available to help you every step of the way.
