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SLCN Speech Therapy

Learn more about oral language therapy, social-emotional skills therapy, speech sound therapy, fluency, and more.

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Speech and Language Pathologist
 Speech Therapy

Oral language therapy

Language is the communication of thoughts and feelings through symbols, such as sounds, gestures, or written words, which uses a set of shared rules. Oral language therapy focuses on understanding and saying words, understanding sentences and following directions, using appropriate grammar and sentences, and understanding and telling stories.

Oral language therapy can help your child:

communicate their needs and wants

understand what is being said to them and follow directions

ask for and accept help

use more words and longer sentences

use correct grammar

tell stories

child parent

Social-emotional skills therapy

Social-emotional skills therapy focuses on understanding one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behaviour, managing emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively, making caring and constructive choices about personal behaviour and social interactions, understanding the perspectives of others and empathising with others, and establishing and maintaining healthy and supportive relationships.

Social-emotional therapy can help your child:

look towards the person talking (eye contact)

develop their play skills

use greetings and start communication

take turns, share, and join in with others

make and keep friends

understand social situations and social rules

cope with sensory challenges e.g., sounds, textures, smells, tastes, movement, busy environments

cope with change e.g., change to routine

understand emotions e.g., happy, sad, stressed, worried, frustrated

stay calm and regulate their emotions (e.g., anxiety, anger, tantrums)

Speech sound therapy

Speech is using the tongue, lips, jaw, and other speech organs to produce sounds and use sounds in words. Speech sound therapy focuses on listening to sounds, listening to sounds in words, saying sounds, saying sounds with vowels, saying sounds in words, saying sounds in phrases and sentences, and saying sounds in conversation.

child reading book

Speech sound therapy can help your child:

pronounce words and sentences correctly

pronounce words and sentences correctly

Your child mispronounces words, e.g., “wabbit” instead of "rabbit" or "thock" instead of "sock" (a lisp)
Your child leaves out sounds in words, e.g., "crocodile" pronounced as "cockodile", or "stranger" as "staynger"
Your child leaves off the beginning or ends of words, e.g., says “roe” instead of “road” or “nana” instead of “banana”
Your child pronounces words in a babyish way, such as "chimbley" for "chimney" or "bokkle" for "bottle"
Your child makes mistakes in pronouncing long words; e.g. says "vegebable" rather than "vegetable" or "trellistope" rather than "telescope" 
Your child’s speech is unclear to you or others

Speech fluency therapy

Speech fluency is the smoothness of speech in terms of its rate and flow. Stuttering is characterized by a high frequency or duration of stoppages in the flow of speech.

Speech fluency can help your child:

speak fluently without getting stuck on words

Your child does not speak fluently and hesitates when talking
Your child makes false starts, and repeats or gets stuck on words or parts of words, e.g., might say "can I - can I - can - can I have an - have an ice-cream"
develop child vocabulary

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Suggested sequence for preschool age children with autism spectrum disorder or social communication goals

Hanen More Than Words
Helps you to use everyday moments of your child's life as an opportunity to communicate.
It is designed for the parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder or social communication difficulties.
Parent training group program one day a week for 9 weeks.
Hanen TalkAbility
Helps you to teach your child the important skills they need to have successful social relationships.
It is designed for parents of high functioning verbal children with social communication difficulties, including children with autism spectrum disorder.
Parent training group program one day a week for 9 weeks.
Everyday Speech Kindergarten
Help your child to grow the cognitive and communication skills necessary for successful social interactions.
Covers identifying and managing emotions, play skills, and school rules.
Parent-led group therapy program one day a week for 7 weeks.

Suggested sequence for primary school age verbal children with autism spectrum disorder or social communication goals

Elklan Let's Talk Together
Learn how to further the communication of children with social communication needs (including autism spectrum disorder)
Improve interaction, use visual and physical structure effectively, improve listening and understanding, learn how to ask appropriate questions and share books, develop conversation skills, and interpret unwanted behaviour as communicative
Parent training group program one day a week for 7 weeks or 7 day intensive across two weeks.
Westmead Feelings Program 1
Develop your child's social and emotional skills, including identifying feelings (module 1), perspective taking and social problem-solving (module 2), and managing feelings (module 3).
For verbal children with autism spectrum disorder aged 6 to 8 with no intellectual disability or children 8 to 12 with mild intellectual disability.
Parent-led group therapy program, with each module running in one term one day a week for 7 weeks.
Everyday Speech Primary
Help your child to grow the cognitive and communication skills necessary for successful social interactions.
Available in modules targeting emotional recognition, self-regulation, behaviour, play skills, school rules, perspective taking, basic and advanced conversation skills, conversation topics, non-verbal communication, situational awareness, problem solving, friendship, and self esteem.
Parent-led group therapy program, with each module running in one term one day a week (length depends on module).
Westmead Feelings Program 2
Develop your child's social and emotional skills, including identifying feelings (module 1), perspective taking and social problem-solving (module 2), and managing feelings (module 3).
For verbal children with autism spectrum disorder aged 8 to 14 with no intellectual disability.
Parent-led group therapy program, with each module running in one term one day a week for 7 weeks.

Suggested sequence for primary school age children with oral language goals

Elklan 5-11s
Learn how to develop and grow your child's understanding and talking, including interaction and conversation, listening and understanding, learning new words, talking in full sentences, learning how to ask appropriate questions and share books, and helping if your child's speech is hard to understand.
Parent training group program one day a week for 7 weeks or 7 day intensive across two weeks.
WellComm starts from your child's language level so you can help them at their point of need to get them to the next level in their language development.
It covers listening and understanding, grammar and sentences, vocabulary, and storytelling.
Parent-led group therapy program one day a week for 5 weeks per module, with one module per age level.
Language Link Primary
Language Link uses a planned and graduated approach to grow your child's language. Suitable for children aged 4 to 11 years old, with modules for each school year level. It focuses on vital language skills such as listening, sentences, vocabulary, grammar, stories, and making inferences.
Parent-led group therapy program one day a week for 8 weeks per module, with one module per year level.
Talk Boost 1
Help your child to boost their language and communication skills using structured, evidence-based, practical activities
For 4 to 7-year-olds. Improves confidence and skills in listening, vocabulary, sentence building, storytelling, and conversation.
Parent-led group therapy program one day a week for 11 weeks.
Talk Boost 2
Help your child to boost their language and communication skills using structured, evidence-based, practical activities
For 7 to 11-year-olds that improves understanding language, joining in more, taking part in discussions more, and listening more carefully.
Parent-led group therapy program one day a week for 11 weeks.

Suggested sequence for preschool age children with oral language goals

Hanen It Takes Two To Talk
Helps you turn every moment of your child's life into an opportunity to communicate.
A program for parents of children aged 0 to 5 who have language delays.
Parent training group program one day a week for 9 weeks.
Elklan Under 5s
A practical course which helps you learn how to develop and enhance your child's understanding and talking.
Gives you practical ideas to to help develop and enhance your child's ability to listen, understand and speak.
Parent training group program one day a week for 7 weeks or 7 day intensive across two weeks.
Wellcomm Early Years
WellComm starts from your child's language level so you can help them at their point of need to get them to the next level in their language development. 
It covers listening and understanding and using language
Parent-led group therapy program one day a week for 5 weeks per module, with one module per age level.
Language Link Preschool
Language Link uses a planned and graduated approach to grow your child's language. Suitable for preschool children.
It focuses on vital language skills such as listening, sentences, vocabulary, grammar, and stories.
Parent-led group therapy program one day a week for 8 weeks per module, with four modules per year level.

Hanen More Than Words

Hanen TalkAbility

Hanen It Takes Two to Talk

Elklan Under 5s (language)

Elklan Let's Talk 5-11s (language)

Elklan Let's Talk Together (social skills)

Elklan Support for Children with Unclear Speech

develop child vocabulary

Hanen More Than Words (language, social skills)

Helps you to use everyday moments of your child’s life as an opportunity to communicate. In the More Than Words program you will get practical tools to help your child communicate. It is designed for the parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder or social communication difficulties. You will learn ways to help your child with the following four goals:

  1. improved back-and-forth social interactions,
  2. enhanced communication skills,
  3. more advanced play with toys,
  4. improved understanding of language.

You will learn how your child communicates right now and the next steps take, how your child learns best and how to take advantage of these preferences, what motivates your child to communicate, how to turn everyday activities into opportunities for learning to communicate, how to help your child understand what you say, how to develop your child’s play skills, and how to help your child make friends. The program is supported by the More Than Words guidebook. Flyer link. See for more information. Book online.

child communication

Hanen TalkAbility (language, social skills)

Helps you to teach your child the important skills they need to have successful social relationships. The TalkAbility program is designed for parents of high functioning verbal children with social communication difficulties, including children with autism spectrum disorder. You will learn practical ways to help your child understand the messages contained in people’s facial expressions and gestures, understand how other people think and feel, understand and use pretend play, and make friends. The strategies will easily build into your child’s everyday life and your use these strategies to help your child have effective back-and-forth conversations, encourage your child to pay attention to the social messages people send nonverbally, model the language your child needs in order to talk about their feelings and those of other people, and help your child interact with other children and make friends. The program is supported by the TalkAbility guidebook. Flyer link. See for more information. Book online.

develop child conversation

Hanen It Takes Two to Talk (language)

Helps you turn every moment of your child's life into an opportunity to communicate. It Takes Two to Talk is a program for parents of children aged 0 to 5 who have language delays. You will learn how your child communicates now and the next steps to take, what motivates your child to communicate, how to engage your child in back-and-forth conversations even before they can talk, how to turn everyday activities into opportunities for your child to use language, and how to fine tune what you say so your child can understand you and learn new words. The program is supported by the It Takes Two to Talk guidebook. Flyer link. See for more information. Book online.

develop child conversation

Elklan Under 5s (language)

A practical course which helps you learn how to develop and enhance your child’s understanding and talking. Gives you practical ideas to to help develop and enhance your child's ability to listen, understand and speak. Helps you develop your child's talking so they are ready for school. Covers understanding what's happening when we talk to each other, enhancing interaction between you and your child, developing play so that talking develops, improving listening and understanding, learning how children learn new words and help them use them in sentences, learning how to ask appropriate questions and share books, and helping children whose speech is hard to understand. The program has a workbook for you to help remember your learning and to practice activities with your child. Flyer link. See for more information. Book online.

parent training program

Elklan Let's Talk 5-11s (language)

Learn how to develop and grow your child’s understanding and talking, including interaction and conversation, listening and understanding, learning new words, talking in full sentences, learning how to ask appropriate questions and share books, and helping if your child’s speech is hard to understand. The program has a workbook for you to help remember your learning and to practice activities with your child. Flyer link. See for more information. Book online.

parent training program

Elklan Let's Talk Together (social skills)

Learn how to further the communication of children with social communication needs (including autism spectrum disorder), including improving interaction, using visual and physical structure effectively, improving listening and understanding, learning how to ask appropriate questions and share books, developing conversation skills, and interpreting unwanted behaviour as communicative. The program has a workbook for you to help remember your learning and practice activities with your child. Flyer link. See for more information. Book online.

parent training program

Elklan Support for Children with Unclear Speech (speech sounds)

Learn how to support your child’s speech sound development, including how speech develops, how to support your child unclear speech, how to introduce structured approach with your child, and how to evaluate your progress. The program has a workbook for you to help remember your learning and practice activities with your child. Flyer link. See for more information. Book online.

Pathology Assessment

Brent Connolly

Paediatric Speech Pathlogist

Whatever your family’s case, there will be something out there for your child which can offer the best possibilities for success. Programs that I can tailor to your time and budget constraints.

If you’d like to book a FREE consultation here, I’ll be able to recommend a suitable program, components, and style for your circumstances.

If we’ve already spoken about suitable programs for your child, or you know what you’re after, then you can book a course here.

Parent-led therapy programs

Encouraging child to respond

I Can Talk Boost 1 (language)

In Talk Boost 1, you will help your child to boost their language and communication skills using structured, evidence-based, practical activities that children enjoy. Talk Boost 1 is a program for 4 to 7-year-olds that improves confidence and skills in listening, vocabulary, sentence building, storytelling, and conversation. The program has a workbook for you and your child to complete activities. Book online.

child parent

I Can Talk Boost 2 (language)

In Talk Boost 2, you will help your child to boost their language and communication skills using structured, evidence-based, practical activities that children enjoy. Talk Boost 2 is a program for 7 to 11-year-olds that improves understanding language, joining in more, taking part in discussions more, and listening more carefully. The program has a workbook for you and your child to complete activities. Book online.

child communication

Westmead Feelings Program 1 (social skills, emotional skills)

Develop your child’s social and emotional skills, including identifying feelings, perspective taking, social problem-solving, and managing feelings. The program uses emotion based learning to teach children with autism spectrum disorder about emotional understanding and social awareness, in close collaboration with parents and teachers. It is for verbal children with autism spectrum disorder aged 6 to 8 with no intellectual disability or children 8 to 12 with mild intellectual disability. Children may or may not read and can draw simple pictures or write a few key words and can pay attention for at least a few minutes at a time. The program has a feelings kit with workbooks, reusable worksheets, and feelings strength bars. There are three modules in the program with a child workbook for each module. Each module is seven sessions with a one hour parent online training session at the beginning of the module then five 30 minute online parent sessions once a week and then another one hour parent online training session at the end of the module. Modules run during school term. See for more information. Book online.

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Children are talking to their mother

Westmead Feelings Program 2 (social skills, emotional skills)

Develop your child’s social and emotional skills, including identifying feelings, perspective taking, social problem-solving, and managing feelings. The program uses emotion based learning to teach children with autism spectrum disorder about emotional understanding and social awareness, in close collaboration with parents and teachers. It is for verbal children with autism spectrum disorder aged 8 to 14 with no intellectual disability. Children will read and write and can pay attention for at least a few minutes at a time. The program has a feelings kit with workbooks, reusable worksheets, and feelings strength bars. There are three modules in the program with a child workbook for each module. Each module is seven sessions with a one hour parent online training session at the beginning of the module then five 30 minute online parent sessions once a week and then another one hour parent online training session at the end of the module. Modules run during school term. See for more information. Book online.

Parent is telling story to her kid

Story Champs (language)

Story Champs is a language intervention that helps promote the storytelling skills of diverse students. The primary focus of Story Champs is on the development of a strong oral language foundation through storytelling and iit also promotes other aspects of academic language that are essential for school success through information retelling, vocabulary learning, and writing.  Book online

baby parent communication

Everyday Speech (social skills, emotional skills)

Help your child to grow the cognitive and communication skills necessary for successful social interactions. Through activities with you, your child will understand intentions, consider emotions, and master social rules. Available in modules targeting emotional recognition, self-regulation, behaviour, play skills, school rules, perspective taking, basic and advanced conversation skills, conversation topics, non-verbal communication, situational awareness, problem solving, friendship, and self esteem. The programs are sorted into three age groups: kindergarten, primary school, and high school. Resources, including videos, worksheets, and games, are available electronically through the program. Book online.


Bridge of Vocabulary (language)

Help your child to grow the cognitive and communication skills necessary for successful social interactions. Through activities with you, your child will understand intentions, consider emotions, and master social rules. Available in modules targeting emotional recognition, self-regulation, behaviour, play skills, school rules, perspective taking, basic and advanced conversation skills, conversation topics, non-verbal communication, situational awareness, problem solving, friendship, and self esteem. The programs are sorted into three age groups: kindergarten, primary school, and high school. Resources, including videos, worksheets, and games, are available electronically through the program. Book online.

baby parent communication

Social Skills Improvement System - Social Emotional Learning (social skills, emotional skills)

The social skills improvement system is a strength focused, evidence-based, and academic enabling program to grow your child’s social and emotional skills. Assessments and interventions emphasizing desired social emotional skills known to be valued by educators and parents and fully aligned with social emotional domains of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Practices with decades of published top-quality and independent research to support the validity and utility of the assessments and the effectiveness of the intervention program. Behaviors within the array of common social emotional skills are prioritized for assessment and instruction, thus enhancing both the social and academic outcomes of interventions to achieve a triple-positive impact for students by increasing social emotional skills, decreasing many problem behaviors, and improving achievement. All resources are included. Book online.

child parent communication

Speech Link (speech sounds)

Speech Link comes with clear instructions on how to help your child produce and listen for sounds on their own, in words and in sentences. Heaps of resources are included so you’ve got the right pictures and resources for each sound. Speech link also has interactive online listening games to develop good listening, auditory analysis and sound discrimination skills. These fun, engaging games guide the children through 5 different levels from listening to single sounds to identifying sounds at the beginning and ends of words. All resources are included. Book online.

Language training by SLCN

Language Link (language)

Language Link uses a planned and graduated approach to grow your child's language. There are lower and upper primary school levels, suitable for children aged 4 to 8 years and 7 to 11 years, respectively. It focuses on vital language skills such as listening, sentences, vocabulary, grammar, stories, and making inferences. All resources are included. Book online.

I Can Talk Boost 1

I Can Talk Boost 2

Westmead Feelings Program 1 

Westmead Feelings Program 2

Story Champs

Everyday Speech

Bridge of Vocabulary

Social Skills Improvement System - Social Emotional Learning

Speech Link

Language Link

Important factors for Participation in Speech Pathology Services

Frequency of Practice

Ideally, daily practice with your child will be required. Three practice sessions per week would be considered a minimum. Without sufficient practice your child is unlikely to progress in skill development and in the long term this may in turn lead to a decrease in motivation.

Specific Practice
Speech pathology practice should focus on the specific goals and materials that have been set in therapy sessions by your child’s speech pathologist. Other forms of practice, such as incidental practice are not likely to be as effective.
In order for your child to develop and extend new skills, feedback on practice attempts is required. This feedback should typically be delivered as labelled praise. Labelled praise will specifically let your child know what was correct about the attempt and will provide motivation and encouragement to keep trying.
Child Motivation
Child motivation is required for practice to be successful. If your child actively resists practice, it is less likely that the new skills being targeted will be successfully incorporated. Persevering despite this resistance may reduce the possible impact of any future therapy attempts.
Attendance at appointments

As the focus of the speech pathology service is on training and supporting you, you are required for all therapy appointments. If you are unable to attend, please ring 03 413 992 86 or email [email protected] as soon as possible.

Therapy Materials
Therapy materials will be provided. In some cases additional materials may be beneficial to purchase. Using the recommended therapy materials as intended will help your child to develop their skills.
SLCN speech pathologist