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Down syndrome

8 May 2022

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that can cause intellectual disability and other physical and learning challenges. If you are pregnant, you can get screened to see if your child might have Down syndrome. If they do, there are early interventions and regular health checks that can help them develop well. Your family will also need to be supportive.

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that happens when a baby has an extra chromosome. Down syndrome can affect all ethnic and cultural groups, and it happens when a baby is conceived. Most children born with Down syndrome grow up to be happy and healthy, but some need more help than others.

There is no one type of person with Down syndrome. Just like anyone else, people with Down syndrome have their own unique personalities and talents. Some people with Down syndrome are very independent while others may need more help.

People with Down syndrome can live full and happy lives. With the right support, they can achieve anything they set their mind to! There are many famous and successful people with Down syndrome, including actors, athletes, artists, and activists.

Some common physical features of Down syndrome include low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single crease across the palm of the hand. However, everyone with Down syndrome is unique and will have different features.

Intellectual disability is the most well-known symptom of Down syndrome. However, people with Down syndrome can and do learn new things throughout their lives. With the right support, they can achieve great things!

There is no cure for Down syndrome, but there are many treatments available that can help people with the condition live full and happy lives. Early intervention services are important for children with Down syndrome, and these services can help them reach their full potential.

If you or someone you know has Down syndrome, remember that they are just like anyone else – unique and special in their own way! is a great resource for more information about Down syndrome.

What is the testing for Down syndrome?

Screening and diagnostic tests for Down syndrome can tell you how likely it is that your baby has the condition. However, these tests can't give a definite answer. Some examples of these tests are the following:

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): you give a small amount of blood, which is tested for parts of your baby's DNA.

First trimester combined screening test: this combines a blood test from you with a measurement from your 12-week ultrasound scan.

Second trimester maternal serum screening test: you can do this blood test if you haven't had the first trimester screening test.

depending on the results of these tests, you might want to have diagnostic testing done. Diagnostic testing can confirm whether or not your baby has Down syndrome.

These tests include chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis. Both of these tests are very accurate, but they also have some risks. Even if the tests say that your child has Down syndrome, they can't tell you how severe the condition might be. You can talk to your doctor or midwife to get more information about these tests if you're worried about them.

Down syndrome can also be diagnosed at birth because there are key physical features that your doctor can see. If the doctor thinks your baby has Down syndrome, the doctor will confirm this by giving your baby a blood test or a saliva test.

Screening tests for Down syndrome take age into account because the chance of having a baby with Down syndrome and certain other chromosomal conditions increases as birthing mothers get older. This is why it's important to talk to your doctor about whether or not you should have these tests done.

If you're pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, talk to your doctor about screening and diagnostic tests for Down syndrome so that you can make an informed decision about what's right for you and your family.

What are the features of Down syndrome?

Children with Down syndrome share physical features and have some intellectual disability. They might also have a range of medical and health conditions. It’s important to have your child’s health checked regularly.

Some common features of Down syndrome include:

-A flat face, especially when viewed from the side

-Almond-shaped eyes that slant upwards

-A short neck

-Small ears

-A tongue that tends to stick out of the mouth

-Poor muscle tone and loose joints

These physical features are often more pronounced in children with severe intellectual disability. Most children with Down syndrome also have some level of learning difficulties. However, the level of intellectual disability and learning difficulties can vary widely from person to person. Some people with Down syndrome will be able to live relatively independently, while others will need significant support throughout their lives. In general, people with Down syndrome have a lower life expectancy than the general population. However, this is improving as medical care and supports for people with Down syndrome improve.

What is the therapy for Down syndrome?

There is no ‘cure’ for Down syndrome. However, there are a range of treatments and interventions that can help people with Down syndrome to manage their condition and live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. Early intervention programs can make a big difference to the development of children with Down syndrome. These programs provide support and education for families, as well as early childhood intervention services. Education programs throughout school years can also help children with Down syndrome to develop their skills and knowledge. There are now many adults with Down syndrome leading happy, healthy and independent lives. With the right supports in place, people with Down syndrome can achieve their goals and lead fulfilling lives.

If you are concerned about any features your child has, or if they have been diagnosed with Down syndrome, there are many organisations and supports available to help you. You can contact your local Down Syndrome Association for more information and support.

Most children with Down Syndrome take a bit longer to reach key milestones like walking, talking, and crawling. But this doesn't mean they can't achieve these things. In fact, with your love and support, they can do just as well as any other child. Children learn the most from the people around them, so everyday play and communication is very important for their development. With family and community support, your child can grow up to live in the community and have a job just like anyone else. You will need to go for regular health and development checks to make sure everything is on track, and talking to health professionals is a good way to find out what help you and your child need.

Down syndrome can be treated early on with therapies and other supports. These will help your child reach their full potential. There are many professionals who can help, including doctors, therapists and special education teachers. When you work together with these professionals, you can get the best results for your child.

Down syndrome is a condition that can cause some disabilities. If your child has Down syndrome, they might be able to get help from a program called the National Disability Insurance Scheme. This program gives you money for services and support that can help your child in the community. This might include things like early intervention therapies or education support.

Down syndrome can occur in unborn or new babies. There are many ways to take care of yourself and your family when this happens. You can find resources from Down Syndrome Australia, which is a national group with branches in every state and territory. You can also find online and offline support groups. It is very important to take care of yourself as well so that you can take care of your child. You will also need to support your other children. Talk with them, spend time with them, and find the right kind of sibling support for them.

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