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Intellectual disability

27 December 2022

What is intellectual disability?

Intellectual disability is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by deficits in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. It can be present from birth or acquired later in life due to an injury, illness, or other cause. The severity of the disorder ranges from mild to severe; those with mild intellectual disability often require minimal support while those with severe intellectual disability may require significant, ongoing support.

What are the signs and symptoms of intellectual disability?

The signs and symptoms of intellectual disability vary depending on the individual's age and level of functioning. In young children, common signs include delayed development in physical skills such as walking or talking, learning difficulties with reading and math, difficulty understanding concepts like time or money, social deficits such as not interacting appropriately with peers or adults, and difficulty with self-care such as getting dressed or using the bathroom. In adolescents, signs may include poor academic performance, problems with abstract thinking skills, lack of problem-solving ability, social deficits like trouble making friends or understanding social cues, and difficulties with independent living skills.

How is intellectual disability diagnosed?

Intellectual disability is diagnosed through a comprehensive assessment that includes cognitive testing, interviewing the individual and family members, and observation of the individual's behavior. The diagnosis may be made by a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other qualified health professional with expertise in diagnosing disabilities. Diagnoses are made based on the individual's level of functioning, age, and overall presentation. It is important to note that a diagnosis should not be seen as an identifier or label; instead it is used to help provide access to appropriate services and supports.

What causes intellectual disability?

In many cases, the cause of intellectual disability is unknown. However, it can be caused by genetic conditions such as Down syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome, prenatal exposure to substances like alcohol or drugs, infections during pregnancy such as rubella or toxoplasmosis, medical complications at birth such as oxygen deprivation (birth asphyxia) and cerebral palsy, and exposure to toxins like lead. In some cases, intellectual disability can be caused by an injury or illness later in life such as a traumatic brain injury or meningitis.

What is neurodiversity and how does it relate to intellectual disability?

Neurodiversity is a term used to describe the natural variation in the way people's brains work and how they experience the world. It recognizes that unique neurological differences are part of normal human diversity, just like any other physical or cultural difference. Neurodiversity includes conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, intellectual disability, and many others. Neurodiversity is important because it challenges the idea that there is a "normal" way of thinking and encourages people to recognize and celebrate individual differences. It also provides an important framework for understanding intellectual disability, which can help in designing appropriate interventions and supports for those affected by this condition.

What therapies are available for children with intellectual disability in Australia?

In Australia, there are a range of therapies available for children with intellectual disability. These include early intervention programs designed to provide support and guidance in the home environment; educational interventions such as special education classes; speech and language therapy to help improve communication skills; occupational therapy to increase independence in everyday tasks; behavioural therapies to teach appropriate coping strategies and social skills; and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies that involve the use of technology to help people communicate. There are also a range of social supports available such as respite care, community-based activities, and support groups for families.

What is speech therapy for children with intellectual disability?

Speech therapy for children with intellectual disability is designed to help improve their communication skills. It involves the use of strategies and activities that focus on developing language, speech, voice, fluency and articulation skills. Speech therapists work with families to provide guidance in teaching these skills and helping them integrate into daily life. Therapists may also use AAC strategies, such as picture exchange or sign language, to help improve communication. Speech therapy can also involve teaching children how to use their voice more effectively and helping them understand social cues so they can better interact with others.

What is occupational therapy for children with intellectual disability?

Occupational therapy for children with intellectual disability is designed to help them become more independent in everyday activities. It involves the use of strategies and activities that focus on developing fine motor skills, strength and coordination, visual perception, and self-care skills such as feeding or dressing. Occupational therapists work with families to provide guidance in teaching these skills and helping them integrate into daily life. They may also use adaptive equipment or assistive technology to help improve independence and participation in activities. Occupational therapy can also involve teaching children how to better manage their emotions and behaviour, as well as encouraging them to participate in leisure activities.

What is psychology therapy for children with intellectual disability?

Psychology therapy for children with intellectual disability is designed to help them understand their condition, cope with their experiences and develop life skills. It involves the use of strategies and activities that focus on developing problem solving, self-awareness, communication, decision making and social skills. Psychology therapists work with families to provide guidance in teaching these skills and helping them integrate into daily life. They may also use cognitive behavioural therapy to help children manage their emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Psychology therapy can also involve teaching children how to better understand and relate to others, as well as helping them build resilience and self-esteem.

What is behaviour therapy for children with intellectual disability?

Behaviour therapy for children with intellectual disability is designed to help them learn appropriate coping strategies and social skills. It involves the use of strategies and activities that focus on teaching behaviour management techniques, understanding positive reinforcement, developing self-regulation skills, and learning ways to communicate effectively. Behaviour therapists work with families to provide guidance in teaching these skills and helping them integrate into daily life. They may also use positive behaviour supports, such as visual cues and reinforcement systems, to help children learn appropriate behaviours. Behaviour therapy can also involve teaching children how to better manage their emotions and reactions in different situations.

What is play therapy for children with intellectual disability?

Play therapy for children with intellectual disability is designed to help them develop social, emotional and cognitive skills. It involves the use of strategies and activities that focus on providing an enjoyable setting in which children can practice making choices, express their thoughts and feelings safely, build relationships with peers, understand consequences, problem solve and learn self-control. Play therapists work with families to provide guidance in teaching these skills and helping them integrate into daily life. They may also use a variety of play materials, such as toys and games, to help children learn new skills and practice the ones they already have. Play therapy can also involve teaching children how to better manage their emotions, express themselves more effectively, cope with stress and develop empathy.

What is physiotherapy for children with intellectual disability?

Physiotherapy for children with intellectual disability is designed to help them become more independent and develop motor skills. It involves the use of strategies and activities that focus on improving coordination, strength, balance, posture and mobility. Physiotherapists work with families to provide guidance in teaching these skills and helping them integrate into daily life. They may also use positioning aids or adaptive equipment to help improve a child’s physical abilities. Physiotherapy can also involve teaching children how to better manage their physical needs and develop self-care skills.

What financial support is available for children with intellectual disability in Australia?

Financial support for families of children with intellectual disability in Australia is available through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS provides funding and services to help individuals with a disability or long-term health condition, aged under 65 years old, to get necessary supports. This can include access to carer respite services, therapies and specialist equipment. Families may also be eligible for other forms of assistance such as the Child Disability Assistance Payment, Mobility Allowance and Carer Allowance.

How do you look after yourself and your family?

Looking after yourself and your family when you have a child with an intellectual disability can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It is important to ensure that everyone in the family has adequate rest and relaxation, maintains healthy eating habits, engages in regular physical activity and builds strong social networks. It is also beneficial to plan for respite care if needed, seek out support services and use available resources to help manage the day-to-day tasks. Taking some time for yourself to do something you enjoy can also be a great way to maintain your own wellbeing.
