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10 May 2022

There are different types of nurses who work in different areas of healthcare. Registered nurses, nurse practitioners, child and family health nurses, practice nurses and school nurses are all types of nurses. Nurses do health checks, immunisations, health promotion and education, and disease management.

Registered nurses are university-trained health professionals who care for people in many different settings. They might specialise in areas like child and family health, continence, diabetes, infectious diseases or mental health. For example, you and your child will probably see a child and family health nurse when you go for your child’s development checks at your local child and family health centre. Along with your GP, your child and family health nurse is a good starting point for any worries you have about your child’s health or development. Some children might need to see a continence nurse during childhood. Continence nurses are RNs who specialise in preventing, treating and managing problems with controlling wees and poos. They can give you advice on toilet training programs and continence equipment and products.

RNs provide care and support to people of all ages, in many different settings. They play an important role in promoting health and wellbeing, as well as preventing ill health. In addition to their clinical work, RNs also carry out research, teach other healthcare professionals, and develop policy.

There are many different types of registered nurses, including child and family health nurses, continence nurses, mental health nurses, etc. Each type of nurse has their own specialty area. For example, child and family health nurses work with children and families to promote health and wellbeing. Continence nurses work with people who have problems controlling their bowels or bladder. And mental health nurses work with people who have mental illness. RNs play a vital role in the healthcare system, providing care and support to patients of all ages.

The role of an enrolled nurse is to provide nursing care under the supervision of a registered nurse. They have a diploma-level qualification, which is less than a university degree.

Nurse practitioners are RNs who have received specialized training and skills that allow them to work in advanced roles. Nurse practitioners can either have general skills or specialize in an area of nursing, such as pediatric care. They are qualified to take a child's history, examine them, and handle any diagnostic tests necessary. Nurse practitioners can also send patients to other health care providers, such as medical specialists or allied health professionals like physiotherapists. They may also prescribe medications as necessary. Nurse practitioners work in both hospitals and the community.

The role of a practice nurse is to work alongside general practitioners in local clinics. They provide health and lifestyle education, wound care, health assessments, specialist referrals and immunisations.

The role of a primary school nurse is to provide general health checks for children aged 5-12 years, in order to identify and manage any early health concerns. They may also conduct vision screening, hearing tests, immunisations and asthma management. Primary school nurses work closely with students, teachers and parents to provide advice on positive parenting, nutrition and health. They may also help teachers with education resources and getting extra help for students who need it.

The role of a secondary school nurse is to provide general health checks for children aged 12-18 years. Secondary school nurses aim to identify and reduce smoking, alcohol and drug use, obesity, depression, self-harm and other risky behaviour in young people. They often do health counselling, school activities and group work with parents, teachers, social workers, school psychologists and guidance officers to get the best care for students.

If you need health advice that isn't urgent, you can call Healthdirect Australia on 1800 022 222 to speak with a registered nurse. If you need advice about bladder or bowel problems, you can call the National Continence Helpline on 1800 330 066 to speak to a continence nurse. If your child has health or development concerns, nurses are there to care for them and help you understand their condition and treatment. With the support and expertise of nurses, you can help your child thrive.

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