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8 May 2022

Some children have difficulty reading and spelling. This is called dyslexia. Dyslexia is often diagnosed in school-aged children. If you are concerned about your child's reading or spelling abilities, talk to their teacher. With the right support, children with dyslexia can improve their reading and spelling skills.

Dyslexia is a problem with reading and spelling words. Children with dyslexia have trouble reading and spelling words, even when they have had opportunities to learn and have tried very hard. Dyslexia is a type of learning disability – that is, a serious difficulty in a particular area of learning. It’s also sometimes called specific learning disorder. Dyslexia is not a problem with intelligence. People with dyslexia are just as smart as other people, but their brains process language differently.

We don't know what causes dyslexia. But we do know that it often runs in families. This means that if one or both of your parents have dyslexia, you might also have it. Scientists think that this might be because of genes that affect the parts of the brain involved in speech and language.

Dyslexia symptoms are often noticed in the early years of school, usually when children are starting to learn how to read. It can be harder to tell if a child has dyslexia before they start school, but there are some early warning signs. Preschoolers might have dyslexia if they:

-mispronounce more words than other children

-can't play with sounds in words - for example, they have difficulty rhyming words like 'cat', 'bat' and 'sat'

-have more trouble than peers repeating long words and sentences

-are slow to connect letters and their sounds.

Once children start school, they might have dyslexia if they:

-have difficulty sounding out words - for example, they can't sound out the word 'cat' as the sounds c-a-t

-have difficulty putting sounds together to make words - for example, they can't put together the sounds b-a-t to sound the word 'bat'

If your child has some of these difficulties, it doesn't automatically mean that he has dyslexia. If you think your child might have a learning difficulty, it's important to get it checked out early. Children often become quite good at covering up problems with learning as they get older.

If you think your child might have dyslexia, the first step is to talk to your child's teacher or school principal. They might be able to give you some information about your child's progress and whether they've noticed any difficulties. You can also contact a dyslexia association in your state or territory for more information and support.

If you're worried that your child is having trouble reading or spelling words, there are a couple of things you can do. The first step is talking to your child's teacher. You can ask questions about how your child is doing in school and see if there are any patterns of problems. If you're still worried, the school might be able to organise a formal assessment with a speech pathologist and/or psychologist involved. If there's a long delay getting an assessment or if it's not available through your school, you can arrange to see a speech pathologist and/or psychologist privately. Your GP can help you with a referral to a speech pathologist or psychologist. You don't need a GP referral, but if you have one, you might be eligible for Medicare. If you have private health insurance, you might also be able to get some money back that way. For more information about assessment, try contacting your nearest Australian Federation of SPELD Associations (AUSPELD) branch.

There are many different ways to help children with dyslexia improve their reading and spelling skills. Depending on your child, they might need extra work in small groups at school, one-on-one tutoring, or more time to complete tests. Some children also benefit from using specialist computer software that helps with spell checking, reading aloud, or word prediction. If you think your child might have dyslexia, it's a good idea to speak with a health professional to figure out the best options for them. The earlier help is started, the better the chances of success. But remember that there is no one "wonder cure" for dyslexia - instead, there are many helpful and productive ways to support kids with learning disabilities. So if you have any questions, it's a good idea to talk with a professional who can give you reliable advice. This might be your GP, a paediatrician, your child's teacher, or a psychologist. With the right help, your child can make good progress in spite of their dyslexia.

There are a lot of things you can do to help your child if they have dyslexia. For example, you can:

-Reward and praise your child when they make an effort, even if they don't succeed right away.

-Help them to challenge any negative thoughts or feelings, and keep them from getting discouraged.

-Stay in close contact with your child's teacher so that you can help out at home with their schoolwork.

-Read to your child until they learn how to read on their own.

-Choose books that are at their reading level, and make sure the words are spelled correctly.

-Teach them how to sound out words instead of trying to remember how they look.

-Remember that dyslexia is a real disability, and your child has the same rights to education as any other child.

There are lots of things you can do to support your child if they have dyslexia. For example, you can help them build resilience by rewarding and praising their effort and successes. You can also help them challenge negative thoughts and avoid setbacks. Additionally, it is important to keep in close touch with your child’s teacher so that you can support their schoolwork from home. Finally, you can read to your child until they learn how to read on their own, and offer books that suit their reading ability. By taking these steps, you will be helping your child immensely. Dyslexia is a real disability, and your child has the same rights to education as any other child. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and there is support available to help you and your child.

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