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Developmental hip dysplasia

27 December 2022

What is developmental hip dysplasia?

It is a condition in which the hip joint has not formed properly while a baby is still in the womb. It can lead to instability of the hip joint and cause pain, limping or difficulty walking. Diagnosis and treatment should be sought as soon as possible for infants who have symptoms of developmental hip dysplasia. Early detection allows for successful treatments that can help prevent future complications.

What are the signs and symptoms of developmental hip dysplasia?

The main signs and symptoms of developmental hip dysplasia are an instability or looseness of the hip joint, limping when walking, leg length inequality, difficulty standing on one leg, clicking or grinding in the hip joint during movement. In some cases a noticeable limp can be seen from birth.

What causes developmental hip dysplasia?

Developmental hip dysplasia is caused by a number of factors, including genetics, posture in the womb and gender. It can also be more common in premature babies or those with low birth weight.

How is developmental hip dysplasia diagnosed?

Developmental hip dysplasia is usually diagnosed through physical examinations and imaging tests such as X-rays or ultrasounds. Regular check-ups with a doctor can help detect signs of the condition early on and lead to successful treatments.

What therapy and treatment is available for developmenta hip dysplasia?

Treatment for developmental hip dysplasia may include physical therapy, bracing or casting, and in rare cases, surgery. Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the hip joint to improve stability and reduce pain. Bracing or casting is a common treatment used to keep the hips in place while they grow and develop properly. Surgery is usually only necessary in cases where the hip joint is very loose or unstable.

What is physiotherapy for developmental hip dysplasia?

Physiotherapy for developmental hip dysplasia involves exercises to improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles in the hip joint. These exercises can help reduce pain, increase stability and help prevent long-term complications. Regular physio sessions are important for successful treatment of this condition.

What is occupational therapy for developmental hip dysplasia?

Occupational therapy for developmental hip dysplasia is focused on helping the person with the condition to improve their abilities in everyday activities. This may include teaching them how to move safely and do activities such as walking or playing, as well as providing advice about postural management and equipment that can help make daily tasks easier.

What are the risk factors for developmental hip dysplasia?

The risk factors for developing developmental hip dysplasia include having a family history of the condition, being born prematurely or with low birth weight, and certain postures in the womb. It is important to discuss any potential risks with your doctor before conceiving if you have a family history of this condition.

What financial support is available for children with developmental hip dysplasia in Australia?

In Australia, children with developmental hip dysplasia may be eligible for financial support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS provides funding for specialised services such as occupational therapy and physiotherapy to help people with disabilities access necessary supports. Additionally, families may be able to apply for additional assistance from their state or territory government.

How can you look after yourself and your family?

It is important to look after yourself and your family if you have a child with developmental hip dysplasia. This includes seeking medical advice early on, taking advantage of any financial support that may be available, and joining support groups or online forums where other parents can provide advice and share their experiences. Additionally, it is important to ensure the child gets regular check-ups and physiotherapy sessions to help with their development.

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